Sound Effects

At least a dozen sound effects can play concurrently. The exact number is probably dependent on the particular hardware you have available on your local machine. Sound effects are played in a "fire and forget" manner, and will each play in a separate channel (if available) and terminate once reaching the end of the audio source.


The play_sfx method plays a sound effect. The first parameter should be a SfxPreset enum variant or a music file path relative to assets/. All sound effects from the asset pack have variants present in the SfxPreset enum for convenience.

The second parameter is the volume, which should be a value between 0.0 (silent) and 1.0 full volume.

// using a preset
engine.audio_manager.play_sfx(SfxPreset::Jingle1, 1.0);

// using a filepath relative to `assets/`
engine.audio_manager.play_sfx("audio/sfx/jingle1.ogg", 1.0);

There is no way to interact with sound effects.